
Food Access

We address the need for fresh, quality produce in food deserts, neighborhoods where a grocery store is nowhere in sight or too expensive for residents by meeting our neighbors close to where they live. We work with our local housing authority, public health department, parks & recreation, city government, and local farm cooperatives to bring fresh produce directly to those in need.

Youth Development

We create meaningful relationships with young people in order to transform the communities where they live. We teach them how to grow food in community/school gardens that is distributed through our pop-up farm stands, served in their school cafeterias, or donated to hunger-relief organizations.

Economic Opportunities

We connect local farmers, ranchers, and producers with local schools, grocery stores, restaurants, breweries, institutions, caterers, and individual shoppers in order to give farmers a viable market for their products.

Land Stewardship

We are dedicated to the stewardship of our natural resources for future generations and the exploration of conservation-driven technologies and strategic partnerships that enhance agricultural sustainability.